How to Prepare for Mastectomy and Reconstruction
In this post I share a checklist for how to prepare for mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. This is a combination of my own advice and th

What I would tell myself during treatment
While talking about some of my darkest moments during cancer treatment, my therapist asked me what I would say to myself if I was able to...

6 Months Post-Treatment: Follow-ups, Scares, and Progress
Still working on that Mastectomy checklist post - it's taken longer than expected! In the meantime, I thought I'd provide an update on...

My Boobiversary and One Year NED!
Today marks one year since my double mastectomy. Although I didn't find out until I received my pathology results the following week,...

More than a pink ribbon - How to really support breast cancer awareness
it's more than just a month, a color, or a ribbon. To me, it's about making smart investments with the money you donate, knowing and