4 Lessons I Learned from Cancer
Last Friday I had the honor to give the survivor speech at the opening ceremony of the George Washington University (GWU) Relay for Life....

How to Prepare for Mastectomy and Reconstruction
In this post I share a checklist for how to prepare for mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. This is a combination of my own advice and th

What I would tell myself during treatment
While talking about some of my darkest moments during cancer treatment, my therapist asked me what I would say to myself if I was able to...

6 Months Post-Treatment: Follow-ups, Scares, and Progress
Still working on that Mastectomy checklist post - it's taken longer than expected! In the meantime, I thought I'd provide an update on...

My Boobiversary and One Year NED!
Today marks one year since my double mastectomy. Although I didn't find out until I received my pathology results the following week,...

More than a pink ribbon - How to really support breast cancer awareness
it's more than just a month, a color, or a ribbon. To me, it's about making smart investments with the money you donate, knowing and

Mental Health Awareness: My Story
Long story short, I'm dealing with anxiety related to my lingering "chemobrain" side effects as well as PTSD-like symptoms rel

"So, how are you doing?"
Photo credit: Nicholas Kingston People ask me this question every day. But not often in the usual way, where you're expecting to hear the...

12 Areas of Cancer Survivorship
A few weeks ago, I went to a survivorship clinic that my cancer center provides to patients. I found it very helpful and was impressed by...
A cancer diagnosis feels like an eviction notice from life as you know it - often not just for the patient, but for their loved ones as well